Preventing Epilepsy Deaths: Clinician Toolkit
Pediatric Examples of Empowering Conversations

When your pediatric patient has social determinants of health considerations

Determine if patient has barriers to treatment access

How easy is it for you to keep up with your child’s treatment plan? What gets in the way for you?

Well, I’m not always able to pick up the medication in time. I’m going through a divorce, so now I have terrible insurance, and I don’t drive, so it is hard to pick up medication.  My ex hasn’t been very helpful, so I don’t know what to do.

I understand it can be difficult for anyone to keep up with their treatment plan, even when they don’t have the [challenges the caregiver described]. Life changes and challenges can also impact seizure frequency, so we need to do all we can to get [child’s name] medication. Let’s see if we can work together to make things more doable for your [specific life circumstance/challenge]. What kind of support would help you the most?