Preventing Epilepsy Deaths: Clinician Toolkit
Assessment & Action Guide

High-risk Medical Comorbidities

Patients need to be assessed for the following at their initial visit, annually and at times of life transitions .
Assess for the development of other acute or chronic conditions at each visit.
Clinician actions
  • Conditions to pay particular attention to include cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, renal disease, hepatic disease, obesity mental illness and intellectual disability.
    • If a nocturnal breathing disorder is suspected, consider formal sleep evaluation.
    • Order laboratory studies to screen for long-term complications for medical therapies when appropriate.Refer to and/or collaborate with a specialist as needed for further care
    • Consider that children and adults with significant neurodisability are at higher risk of life-limiting respiratory infections.
Assess the need for laboratory studies.
Clinician actions
  • In individuals with established epilepsy on treatment, some laboratory monitoring is desirable at least occasionally, in particular, in relation to bone health, as well as in situations where changes in AED clearance or metabolism are likely (extremes of age, pregnancy, comorbid disorders of renal or hepatic function).
Conversation tips
Learn how to discuss high-risk comobitities with your patients